On Sunday, Paul Krugman of the New York Times wrote an op-ed column called, "The Destructive Center." He said how the Center sides with majority party in power but whose main focus is to lower the cost of bills as to please the minority party.
Krugman's arguement against legistlative centrists can be summed up when he said, "All in all, the centrists’ insistence on comforting the comfortable while afflicting the afflicted will, if reflected in the final bill, lead to substantially lower employment and substantially more suffering."
My feeling is that Krugman has a poor perception of centrism. The republicans who sided with democrats and democrats who sided with republicans are not always "centrists" Centrism is an ideological belief, not a term to be thrown around and given to politicans who have "worked on both sides of the aisle."
I'd like to help Krugman find a real Centrist in the House but, I haven't seen a true Centrist in their yet this year. I encourage people to point one out to me.
Overall, Centrists should be outraged, but then again, who is surprised that no one has critized Krugman? Krugman's remarks are like calling democrats, socialist and, like calling republicans, golden parachute manufacturers.
Here's the NY Times Op-Ed, http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/09/opinion/09krugman.html
Is this centrism and should centrists put up with this?
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